GLAUCOMA (काला मोतिया)

The silent thief of vision
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases in which the retinal nerve fibres are damaged leading to progressive optic nerve damage resulting in decreased vision or even blindness. It is an important reason for poor quality of life due to loss of vision resulting in difficulty in near vision, working in dim light and driving. The Glaucoma Clinic at SECI specialises in effective long-term management of Glaucoma and associated complications that are likely to arise with this degenerative disorder. All patients are screened for Glaucoma/possible Glaucoma, as timely intervention is crucial to its effective management.

What causes Glaucoma?

काला मोतिया क्यों होता है ?

At the front of the eye, there is a small space called the anterior chamber. Clear fluid flows in and out of the chamber to bathe and nourish nearby tissues. In Glaucoma there is an impairment in the dynamics of this fluid called aqueous humour due to varied causes, some of which are unknown leading to increase in intraocular pressure. Unless this pressure is controlled, it may cause damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision.

Diagnostic For Glaucoma

Glaucoma can be easily diagnosed with simple and effective tests which can help in quantifying the anatomical as well as functional loss due to the disease. These tests are advised regularly during the follow up visits or when the disease is not under control and help in proper management of the patient. Early in the course of the disease these tests may be needed frequently, however frequency of these tests may reduce, as the disease is under control.


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What is the treatment?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes for loss of vision worldwide. However, this vision loss can be avoided by timely intervention, which is usually very simple in the form of medical treatment. Patients benefit from our state-of-the-art Glaucoma testing capabilities with specially trained Glaucoma specialists who are experts in diagnosing and providing either medical or surgical management for all types of Glaucoma. Although Glaucoma cannot be cured, it can usually be controlled. Early diagnosis and treatment helps in improving the quality of life and this vision can be preserved throughout life. Regular monitoring is an essential part of Glaucoma treatment and every glaucoma patient should visit his doctor regularly as advised.

Why Manocha Eye Hospital

Glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can surely be controlled with the help of regular medications, eye drops, laser treatment, and surgery, etc. At Manocha Eye Hospital, we emphasise on careful evaluation of the optic nerve and investigate patients thoroughly with the use of latest diagnostic and advanced machines like OCT, Visual Fields, Non Contact Tonometry.


Through our Glaucoma treatment, which varies depending on an individual's eye condition, we aim to lower IOP in the eye, thereby reducing any further damage caused to the optic nerve.

Myths / Frequently Asked Questions

1Who is most likely to get it?
Answer: Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in India. Although anyone can get Glaucoma, some people are at higher risk. They include:
  • People over age of 45: While Glaucoma can develop in younger patients, it occurs more frequently as we get older.
  • People who have a family history of Glaucoma: Glaucoma appears to ‘run’ in families. The tendency for developing Glaucoma may be inherited. However, just because someone in your family has Glaucoma does not mean that you will necessarily develop the disease.
  • People with abnormally high intraocular pressure (IOP): High IOP is the most important risk factor for Glaucomatous damage.
  • People who have Diabetes, Myopia, Regular, long-term Steroid use and a previous eye injury.
2Glaucoma in children - what are the symptoms of congenital/infantile glaucoma?
Answer: Childhood glaucoma is relatively rare. Primary congenital glaucoma occurs in the general population at a rate of approximately 1 in 10,000 births.
The most common symptoms of congenital/infantile glaucoma are excessive tearing, light sensitivity and a large, cloudy cornea. Excessive tearing accompanied by mattering/discharge in a child is usually not caused by glaucoma but instead is the result of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction.
3How is paediatric glaucoma treated?
Answer: Paediatric glaucoma is treated by lowering the intraocular pressure (IOP) via medical and/or surgical means. Most cases of primary paediatric glaucoma are treated with surgery. The treatment of paediatric glaucoma is not simply a matter of lowering IOP. Many children with paediatric glaucoma develop myopia (near sightedness) and require glasses. Also, these children may need the help of low vision aids and visual rehabilitation.
We at Sankara are committed towards not only, spreading awareness about this vision threatening disease but also towards proper care of a patient with Glaucoma.
4Will glasses help with glaucoma?
Answer: Glasses do not directly help glaucoma but may well be necessary anyway.
5Do I have to get up in the night to take my glaucoma eye drops?
Answer:No. Having an undisturbed night is more important. If you have to take drops more than twice a day, put the drops in when you get up and when you go to bed and then space the other drops in between, during the day.
6Do I need to put the drops in before I come to the clinic?
Answer: Yes. Always continue as usual unless requested otherwise. It helps the doctor to judge the effect of the treatment.
7How important is it to put the drops in at exactly the time stated?
Answer:It is important to get into a routine and to put the drops in at around the same time each day, but the exact time is less important.
There are several ways to help yourself remember when to put your drops in:
  • A chart with tick boxes,
  • A box with compartments for the drop bottles,
  • A special timer can be set to ring several times each day as required.
8Does it matter if I put more drops into my eye than I should?
Answer:No, but try to keep it to the number prescribed. There is a small increased risk of general side effects if you use more drops than you should.
9What happens if I forget to take my drops when I go out?
Answer:Do not worry unduly if you forget on the odd occasion, but try to get into the habit of taking your drops with you wherever you go. If you have forgotten a drop, just put it in as soon as possible after the time it was due.
10Where should I keep the drops and for how long?
Answer:Keep your drops in a cool place or in the door of the refrigerator, which is cool but not as cool as if they were put on one of the shelves. Do not place them in the freezer section.
The unopened bottle will have an expiry date. Once opened, drops will last about four weeks.
Most beta blocker drops are stable up to at least 25 degrees Celsius.
11Can I do yoga exercises?
Answer:Yes, except for exercises involving the head being lower than the body for an appreciable time e.g. headstands. This tends to increase eye pressure.
12Can I take other medicines at the same time as my glaucoma treatment?
Answer:Patients with angle closure or narrow angle types of glaucoma should seek advice before taking some types of tranquilliser or certain asthma and indigestion medicines. However, these are usually safe if you have had laser treatment (iridotomy) or surgery (peripheral iridectomy).
Steroid (cortisone-type) drops and tablets should be used with caution because they can increase the pressure in the eye. If you have had a glaucoma operation, steroid drops or tablets are safer.
Some other tablets may interact with glaucoma treatments. Always mention to your doctor that you are having glaucoma treatment and your doctor will advise you.
13Should I let my eye doctor know if I develop other medical conditions?
Answer:Yes. It may influence the treatment they prescribe you.
Please remember that eye drops are powerful medications and that they can interact with other treatments.
14Why do I have to see the eye specialist or attend the glaucoma clinic regularly?
Answer:It is important to attend regularly, even if your glaucoma is stable. The purpose of your visits is to monitor the glaucoma (through optic nerve appearance, visual field and eye pressure tests) to ensure that the treatment is working.